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My story
My name is Kari Larsen and I am the proud mother of a little boy and twin girls that have been my best teachers in learning the importance and efforts of getting healthy sleep and being the best mother I can be.
My son started me down this path when he wanted to nurse every 15 minutes. He had colic, acid reflux, sensitivity to stimulation, and trauma from birth etc. We also started off co-sleeping and I just assumed one day he would peacefully go to his own bed. I was not getting any sleep and neither was he. We were both exhausted and our health was deteriorating.
I began to read every book and had little success and no one to answer my concerns or questions along the way. I did learn however, that children's development and learning forms lasting connections in the brain while they are sleeping and many other things.
I felt alone, lost and like a horrible mother. My emotions were becoming very unstable, and I was severely sleep deprived.
I decided to educate myself. In the process I became a Certified Holistic Sleep Consultant and "Happiest Baby on the Block" educator. I approach sleep consulting from starting with the child's emotional well-being. I am also a Certified Infant Mental Health and Development Educator, Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Aroma therapist and Maternity Coach.
Nothing is more important than sleep and without it you cannot be the best parent you want to be. Good sleep is imperative for a healthy life no matter your age. Children especially need it for their emotional/mental health and development.
Sleep consultant Certificate
"Happiest Baby on the block" Certificate
"A rested baby is a happy baby and a happy baby means a happy home."
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